Optimize Digestion
We’ve all heard the saying that: “we are what we eat” and there is some truth in it. However, if we don’t digest what we eat properly, we won’t benefit fully from the nutrients within the food. The most recent and evidence-based understanding of the role of the digestive system is that most diseases and everyone’s vitality, performance and well-being, are intimately related to the function and efficiency of our digestive system. We will equip you to make substantial improvements in what and how you eat – in turn, improving how well you digest and the health of your microbiome. The food sensitivity test we utilize is highly specific, accurate and effective in identifying key food kryptonite by testing for IgG and Inflammatory Food Immune Complexes.
IBS, IBD, Celiac
Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis
SIBO, Candida/Yeast Overgrowth, Microbiome Dysbiosis
Food Sensitivities, Constipation, Bloating, Malabsorption, Brain Fog
Nutritional Optimization
Food Sensitivities & Allergies
Skin Issues, Eczema, Acne
optimize metabolic health
Our metabolism is much more than just how quickly our bodies can “burn up” the food we eat. Our metabolic health determines how we utilize our internal resources to adapt to our environment, stressors and essential needs. Our daily habits are constantly providing new lessons for our internal terrain and metabolism, and it is gathering this data, creating new solutions to the new challenges, and adjusting it predictions on the number of specific cell types required, their size, shape, and metabolic characteristics, with the goal of preparing them to be able to more effectively respond to the new conditions and metabolic demands our intelligence is now predicting and engineering solutions for. Our goal is to support you in exploring new habits and eliminating limiting factors in optimizing your metabolic health, including how your body regulates blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin, fat storage & more.
Metabolic Dysfunction
Hypercholesterolemia, Fatty Liver Disease
Body Composition & Shape Optimization,
Low Blood Sugar
Fatigue, Shape Optimization, Weight Loss, Weight Gain
Whether you are dealing with an acute injury, chronic pain, or are curious how you can optimize your exercise an movement routine, we have the tools to enhance your physical well-being, and support you in enjoying the process. We utilize hands on orthopaedic and functional movement assessments and treatment, as well as Near Infrared Light, Shockwave therapy, Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS), cupping, and a unique physical distress & inflammation screening assessment.
musculoskeletal & sports medicine
Sports injury, acute pain
Chronic pain
Exercise optimization
Injury Prevention
Our thyroid and adrenal gland are main contributors to how our bodies regulate our metabolic function, health & efficiency. The thyroid influences metabolic activity of the heart, fertility, muscle and digestive system, brain function, and bone development. Our adrenal glands influenced our metabolism, stress response, blood pressure, immune system and much more. These are highly dynamic, complex, interconnected functions that require a holistic, multi-faceted approach. We will investigate the root cause of your challenges and support you in creating new levels of vitality, health and well-being.
thyroid & adrenal health
Hypothyroid, Hashimotos’
Hyperthyroid, Graves’
Chronic Fatigue
Hair Loss, Weight Gain, Insomnia, Infertility
detoxification & fasting support
Detoxification isn’t like a vacation, where you take a temporary break from your routine habits and lifestyle and hope that you feel better for it. There are no vacations from the daily exposures and metabolic processes that result in toxins and damage to our system. We will help you understand and support the primary body systems and pathways responsible for the essential daily tasks of detoxification. Our intention is that you will have the core understandings and tools you require to explore the habits that most directly impact your body-mind’s ability to detoxify naturally and effectively.
Detox Heavy Metals, Parasites, Candida, Mold
Re-Establish Microbiome Balance
Chronic Yeast Infections, BV
Acne, Eczema
Brain Fog
sleep optimization
Ensuring we are obtaining sleep of sufficient quality and quantity, and optimizing our recovery and vitality, is a considerable achievement in today’s world. Sleep is a complex function and is directly related to virtually all areas of our health. Every mental and physical function in our body-mind is enhanced by proper sleep or limited by a lack of it. Sleep and the factors which influence it are interdependent and combine to determine our recovery, vitality, and regenerative capacities. We have been studying, exploring and innovating in the area of assessing and meeting sleep needs for the best part of 4 decades, and we have important insights that ensure you have what you require to be a great navigator in the complex terrain of sleep.
Trouble falling asleep & staying asleep
Low energy
Stress Management
Hot Flashes, Night Sweats
Restless Legs, Muscle Cramps
Our mental-emotional state & cognitive function are very personal journeys, unique to each of us. We take into account your past experiences, current challenges and create a holistic plan to support you in creating more peace of mind and heart. We support you in recognizing anxiousness and limiting beliefs at the earliest stages, how to deepen your understanding of current patterns of worry and take actionable steps to disrupt these patterns. We will provide you with the education, tools, support and multi-disciplinary approach to build your ability to experience peace, ease and harmony and spend increasing amounts of time in these nourishing states.
mental health & cognitive support
Mood Disorders
PMS & Menopausal Mood Swings
Dementia & Alzheimer’s
Difficulty Focusing, Brain Fog
Migraines, Headaches
While most people “know of the immune system,” very few understand it in the broader systemic, systematic, dynamic and remarkably intelligent way that it deserves. We will support your exploration of the human immune system at a level that instills both the confidence in its innate wisdom and design, and supports the practical action steps we all can take to improve its ability to function at a high level, minimizing our aging processes, and safeguarding us from the majority of threats in our modern day lives. Our intention is to elevate your curiosity to where you decide to take action and explore the habits most significant to improving your function, modifying your internal environment and bolstering your natural immunity.
autoimmune conditions & immune support
Chronic colds, flu, recurring illness
Autoimmune conditions
Associated digestion, skin, energy, mood, etc difficulties
Slow wound healing
sexual optimization
One of the greatest barometers for vitality and health is our sexual energy. Sexual energy = life force energy. One of the first things to disappear when we are sick, stressed or overworked is our libido. Optimizing libido, hormones, energy, stamina, & strength will all contribute to living a happier, healthier, more vibrant life. This is the energy that creates new life, and whether you’re interested in children or not, this energy can be channeled into consciously shape and create your best life. It is the ultimate creative power and courses through your veins. I’m here to support you in optimize your sexual energy to create new levels of vitality and awaken your primal self!
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Pain with sex
Difficulty achieving orgasm
Premature Ejaculation
Changes in erectile function
Low Libido
Couples & singles seeking greater intimacy & desire
fertility optimization
Whether you’re currently trying to create a family, or plan to in the future, we identify and remove obstacles to reproduction, while supporting your body’s innate wisdom in creating life. First and foremost, a strong, healthy, vital person is necessary to support the development of a healthy reproductive system. We will support you in your fertility journey by creating a healthy body-mind that is prepared to nourish and support your personal fertility journey, while building YOUR vitality and health!
Preconception Health
Difficulty Conceiving
Repeated Miscarriages
Postpartum Support
Fertility Awareness Method
pediatric holistic care
Our children are the leaders of tomorrow and we owe them the best opportunities life has to offer. The greatest gift you can give your beloved child is the gift of care, love, and attention to what matters most, their health. Each child is treated individually to create a unique care plan to meet their needs. We work with the parents and child to educate, inspire and support the whole family in becoming active participants in your health journey.
Eczema, Skin Reactions
Allergies & Asthma
Focus & Behavior Difficulties
Preventative Health